As a chili-head, I usually try to include some hot stuff on about all cooks if I have the room and I did plan for some hot wings of some type. Had a new bottle of Rooster (Sriacha) Sauce and decided to see if I could find a new recipe using this great chili sauce on the web for hot wings. Bingo!!!--out jumps a great looking new recipe at "The Wolfe Pit" (Mr Larry Wolfe) for some Orange Marmalade Sriacha Wings that just looks wonderful to me.
One of the other items that I wanted to cook is my Southern Succor Spam as this is a favorite of ours and always a great treat off of a smoker.

The Southern Succor Rub comes from the great Jamison's book titled "Smoke and Spice" and is a super spicy black pepper based rub that is also great on pork butts. I cut the recipe down a little for this Spam cook.
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup paprika
1/4 cup Turbinado sugar
2 TBL salt
2 tsp dry mustard
1 tsp cayenne pepper

I am now ready to give the two blocks of Spam a heavy coat of this very spicy rub.

Now ready for the cooker.

About done on the cooker.

Now that is some good stuff!
While those items were cooking, I made up the Orange Marmalade Sriacha Sauce from the recipe at "The Wolfe Pit" as I wanted to try it on my Spam Sandwich.

18 oz orange marmalade (not shown in picture)
1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup Sriacha Chili Sauce
I did add a touch of cayenne to the mix but would be too hot for most folks.
Heated and mixed it up in a pan and then removed from the heat.

I like to either grill or toast the hoogie bun and then lay down some colby jack slices on one side of the bun. On top of that goes some lettuce, some tomato slices, and some onion slices. Place the Spam on the other side and then I added some of that great looking hot Rooster sauce out of the glass on top of the Spam.

Fold that baby up and enjoy---oh my, that is good!!

I sprinkled on a light coat of the Smokin' Guns hot rub on the wings and placed them on the cooker. I then cooked them until they were done and took them off the cooker, dipped them in the Rooster sauce, back on the cooker until this glaze set up a little and then back off the cooker for one more round. Glazed them a second time and they came out very good but probably not as good as if I would have grilled them as per the recipe.

I made a mistake cooking these wings indirect in a smoker. Larry grills them and I think that would definitely improve the wings. They needed more char from a direct flame to improve the taste and I will do them this way on my next cook. The sauce is out of the world and I can't wait to try it on my pork loin.
Thanks again to Larry Wolfe for this wonderful recipe with the Sriacha sauce for wings as I am sure I will use it for many other cooks as it is just toooo good to not be included in my recipes and trials for hot stuff.