This is another cook inspired by my hero's....The BBQ Pit Boys.
Got the Char-Broil CB-500X out of the garage at about daylight. I set it up for both indirect and direct cooking. I used a half pan on one side to keep that side indirect and then used the other side for my direct cooking over the coals. I put about 32 of the great Stubb’s charcoal brickettes in a charcoal chimney and lit it off.

Went back inside to prep my meat.

The ingredients for this cook were as follows:
About 1-1/2 pounds of chuck roast
Small onion diced
About 4 large cloves of garlic sliced
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp fresh cracked black pepper
1/2 tsp cajun seasoning
1/2 tsp garlic powder
Box of beef broth plus one can
2 tsp corn starch
olive oil
Bottle of Gravy Master

I cut about 1-1/2 pound off of this 4 pound chuck roast. I then rubbed it good on all sides with olive oil. Added the salt and fresh cracked pepper to all sides of the meat and it was ready to go on the cooker.
I poured the charcoal into the cooker and put the grid back in. I then placed the meat on the direct side of the CB500X as I wanted to sear it well.

After the sear, the meat went into my black iron pot on the indirect side of the cooker. I then added a little butter and poured in the onions and garlic slices.

I cooked the onions and garlic for about 10 minutes and then added the box of beef broth and the balance of the spices.

I cooked this about 4 hours keeping the cooker at about 300-325 degrees and I did add about 10-12 more brickettes each hour.

This is the meat at the four hour mark into the cook.

At this point into the cook, I pulled out about a half cup of the liquid in the pot and added the corn starch to the bowl, mixed it up good and poured it back into the pot to thicken it up some. I also added about 2/3rd of the bottle of the Gravy Master. I the let it cook about another 20 minutes and pulled it off.

I had made up some of my famous crusty hoogie rolls and I sliced it right down the middle for my sandwich.
I then added mayo to both pieces of the bread.

Next up was the tomato.

Add some shredded lettuce.

I added a very generous portion of the meat to the roll.

Put the sandwich together.

Went back on the grill to crisp it up a little as we like it crunchy.

Now, that is some good eating....
I just never get tired of using this slick little cooker.