The ingredients used in this big burger are about 3-1/2 pounds of 70/30 burger, cheddar cheese, onion, green bell pepper, bbq sauce, pepperoni, mushrooms, olives, jalapeno peppers, rub, and some real thick bacon.
I formed the burger just a little thicker than it came in the package and then poured on the bbq sauce, and also added some cheese, onions and bell peppers.
I formed the burger just a little thicker than it came in the package and then poured on the bbq sauce, and also added some cheese, onions and bell peppers.

Next came the mushrooms, pepperoni, and jalapeno peppers.

I finished it off with some half slices of some real thick bacon. It is now ready for the grill.

I figured I would need about two hours at about 350 degrees to do this cook so I loaded up my big Weber chimney with 65 Stubb’s brickettes. Fired it up and ashed them over completely and poured them into the right side of the CB500 which is setup for an indirect cook. Opened the service door about an inch and brought the cooker up to cooking temp.

First mistake...pan was about 1/2” too long for the cooker. I had planned to use the direct side of the cooker as well so I couldn’t just turn the pan sideways. Took it back into the house and formed up a pan out of tinfoil and placed the meat back on the cooker.

For my potato wedges, I made up another tinfoil pan but somewhat shorter for my potatoes. I cheated and nuked the potatoes to about half done. Cut them into wedges and then drowned them in some real butter, sprinkled on some garlic salt, and cracked on some of that good Telecherry black pepper. I poured the balance of the butter over the wedges and placed them on the cooker.

I cooked the potatoes direct about 30 minutes to where I wanted them and took them off the cooker and placed them on some paper towels.

The big burger came off next and it sure looked good.

Next, I grilled up a couple of big buns. I then cut the big burger into 4 equal pieces.

Loaded the big burger on the grilled bun and then added some lettuce, more onion, and a slice of tomato.

This big cheeseburger worked out to just a little under a pound per sandwich.

Shazaam.......now thats a burger!