I did this 9.2 pound ham cook on my Cobb Supreme Grill using one of my new proto-type Dome Extensions which is an accessory that I have obtained from Cobb Grill International Company that increases the total cooking height in the grill by about 2-1/2 more inches. This increased cooking height opens up many more cooking options for this fine Stainless Steel charcoal grill.

I served my spiral cut ham sandwich with some baked beans, some candied yams, and some veggies. I added some horsey sauce to my sandwich as well.

I brushed on a sticker, then sprinkled on a medium coat of a good pork rub and fancied it up with the pineapple and cherries.
In the background is one of my new "proto-type" Cobb Supreme Dome Extensions.

I maxed out the charcoal basket with 26 all hardwood charcoal briquets for this cook. I then added some hickory chunks for my smoke wood.

I decided to cook my ham in a tin foil half pan to make for an easy clean-up. I had to bend the corners down some to make it all fit into the cooker. Had some misting rain during the cook.

I wanted to run at a good barbecue cooking temperature of about 250-300F degrees so I closed off 4 of my 8 exhaust vents which in my opinion makes the cooker run like a dream at these temps. Had a nice amount of smoke coming out early into the cook from my hickory chunks.

I monitored both the cooker temperature and also the internal meat temperature with a remote thermometer setup during the cook. I had to put the sending unit in a bag to keep the rain off of it. The receiver went into the house with me. This old lazy cook likes his perks.

The ham smoked for 2-1/2 hours and I took it off the cooker at 155F degrees internal. It was mopped and glazed with one of my homemade glazes.

Just off of the cooker and cooling down. I did have to add 6 more briquets and some more smoke wood during the cook.

Ham came out a little drier than I expected but is still very good. I think these sliced in advance hams will be a little drier than a non sliced ham.

It was a good practice cook for the upcoming holiday. It sure made a fine lunch.

I am anxious to try using the cooker with two of the new Dome Extensions which will allow me even more cooking space in the cooker. I want to try cooking on two levels. This higher cooking space will give me the room required to add a “rotisserie unit” to the grill. Now, that will be some real fun!
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