This cook was done on my little Cobb Premier Grill.

Sure made a fine lunch.

The ingredients were as follows:
About 1-1/2 lbs of hamburger
About 1 pound of my homemade hot and spicy Italian sausage
Diced onions
Diced bell peppers
Diced smoked red peppers
Salt & Pepper along with some SGH rub
Chili Sauce
French’s Crispy Dried Jalapeno Peppers for the filler

Made a pretty picture.... just before I mixed it all up for the pan.

Used the handle end of a wooden spoon to put several indentations in the top of the loaf to help hold more of the chili sauce.
I applied peanut oil to my potatoes and then sprinkled on some sea salt and butcher cut black pepper and I was ready to put it all on the grill.

Has some misting rain and a temp of about 35 degrees for the start of my cook.

The cook about done on the Cobb Grill.

Sliced the loaf into about 1/2” thick slices for sandwiches.

Put a nice thick slice of my meat loaf on a sesame seed bun, added lettuce, tomato, and some horsey sauce. Wife did the potatoes with some cheese and sour cream with some chopped green onions.

Was one great sandwich...will do this cook again.