My three pork steaks were rubbed with SGH rub just before they went on the Cobb Grill.

I set the grill up with the dome extender, the standard cooking grid with the roasting rack, and my raised cooking grid. Fired it up with lump and after it got on temp, loaded up the thee pork steaks.

Later in the cook just before I took the lower two steaks off the cooker. The pork steak on the upper grid must have been running at a lower temperature as that steak wasn’t done when I pulled the other two off the cooker.

I removed the upper grid and the dome extender and placed the one steak that wasn’t done back on the cooker for a few more minutes to get it done.

Added some fried corn and grilled potato strips and this made a fine lunch.
I think I will need to lower my raised grid to get this setup to work better.
I finally got some hot banana peppers out of my container garden and made up some ABT’s.

These peppers were stuffed with some finely chopped pulled beef, finely chopped onion, and cream cheese and rubbed with SGH and then wrapped with bacon.

Loaded on the Cobb Grill and cooked until done....man they were good!

This next cook was a couple of country ribs to be cooked over a pan of Rick Salmon’s famous pit beans. The ribs were trimmed up a little and then rubbed.

Fired up the Cobb with some lump and when it got on temp, I placed the pan of pit beans on then added a cooking grid on top of the pan of beans and then the ribs. The ribs dripping into the beans will add some additional flavor.

Later into the cook, I glazed one of the ribs. Wife wanted her rib without sauce.

Added some ABT’s, a couple slices of garden tomatoes and a dill pickle spear and enjoyed a fine meal.
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