I trimmed and trussed the 5.88 lb chicken and then sprinkled on a light coat of rub. I then placed the chicken on the spit rod and got it ready for the grill.

I fired up about a half Weber chimney of Stubb’s briquets and poured them into the grill and loaded the spit and got it turning. I also covered the spit motor with a Zip-Lock bag as it sure looked like we could get some rain.

The rain did come about 30 minutes into the cook but it was only a light sprinkle.

After my rub setup on the chicken, I started basting the chicken with the Roadside Chicken Sauce.

Continued the mopping at 10 minutes intervals until the chicken was done.

Cut the chicken up and plated it for serving. As always with the rotisserie setup, the chicken came out juicy and made a nice lunch.
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