I tried some more baking on my new Cobb Supreme and it came out quite well.

I added a couple slices of tomatoes and a slice of garlic bread and it made a fine meal.

Lasagna is one of my favorite meals.

I used about a 1-1/4 pound of my homemade Italian sausage, some burger, onions, garlic, sauce, spices. and a little water. The cheese mix was ricotta, parmesan, mozzarella, and eggs. I used the oven ready lasagna noodles. Added some pepperoni to the top of my treat.

Ready to go on the cooker.

Got my bake started very early this morning to beat the rain.

My Supreme always seems to run a little hotter than my Premier so for most cooks, I close off some of the exhaust vents to control the temperature. I wanted to run about 350F degrees measured on the cooking or baking surface so I closed of half or 4 of the vent holes.

A 9X13 baking pan just fits the cooker and this picture shows the lasagna done at 170F degrees internal. I used 14 all hardwood briquets and the bake took one hour.

Cooling down for serving.
I think that this larger Cobb Supreme does bake a little better than the standard Cobb grill. I will try a pizza next to see just how well it does at a higher baking temperature.
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