I just finished up a Surf and Turf on the Cobb grill and still had a hot fire left so I did some "Scientifically Processed Animal Matter" to help use up the remaining charcoal in the grill. It came out wonderful as it usually does and made a fine lunch.

This was the first time I tried this meat on my Grill Grates and it came out quite well.
Did you know??
This meat has been around for 80 years.
In the US, it comes in about 20 flavors.
There are 12.8 cans of this meat served every second world wide.
If you were in the service before the "modern army", you damn sure would know what this meat tastes like.
SPAM...you gotta love it!!!

My selection today was the Black Pepper Spam.

This is my Spam Slyder I had for lunch today...I added some lettuce, tomato, and some horsey sauce to my sandwich and oh my, it was great.
Now you folks have to quit making fun of this wonderful product.
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