This was just my second cook on my new Hasty-Bake Ranger which is one of their two tailgate size cookers. The Ranger is the nicer of the two models and is all Stainless Steel and is one of the reasons that makes it a great little cooker / grill.

Ok, I didn’t figure that there was any good way to install a rotisserie in this little cooker as there were handles on both sides, the charcoal door on the right side, and the exhaust vent on the left side which all were in the way of any type of good method of installing the rotisserie unit. I had about given up on this project and was cutting up a stainless steel rack to go in my charcoal pan to help prevent the small pieces of lump from falling thru and it “hit me up the side of the head”, why couldn’t a fellow install a rotisserie from front to back in the cooker? I measured it all up and by golly, I think I could do it!

Had to order a couple of items but I got it all setup and then cut down a new rack or cooking grid to fit on the remaining space on the cooker and was ready to try it out. I needed the grid to be able to both use the rotisserie and the grid at the same time. Really made a nice modification to this grill.

Beautiful cool morning for the cook and I got it started early in the morning.

The turkey just before it came off of the rotisserie and it came out a little darker than I expected so I will need to lower the temperature a little on the next cook but overall, I was well pleased with this part of the cook. The skin was perfect!

Pulled the turkey breast and the rotisserie setup and put the cooker back together and then added my raised second grate and put my sides on the cooker. I had a pan of new potatoes with green beans, onions, and bacon, a pan of cornbread stuffing, a bowl of gravy, and on my raised grate, a pan of yeast rolls.

Didn’t take very long to get the sides done as they just needed heated up to a safe temperature.

The results of my cook.

It all came out great and the rotisserie mod worked out well.
I think I know where my Thanksgiving meal will be cooked this year.
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