This is the last cook I have done on my new Cobb Supreme cooker and it came out quite well.

Added a baked potato and some mac and cheese and a cottage cheese salad and had a fine meal.

The brisket flat weighed 8.99 pounds and after trimming, I had a net weight of 7.89 pounds. I sprinkled on a moderate amount of butcher cut black pepper and then added my favorite beef rub about 45 minutes before the fire.

I started with 20 all hardwood briquets and then added two fairly large hickory chunks for my smoke wood. After the cooker got on temperature, I added my temperature probe and started my cook. Since it was raining, I had to move my cook to my covered front porch.

Cooker started dropping temp about 90 minutes into the cook so I added 8 more all hardwood briquets. I also added more smoke wood.

At about 2 hours and 10 minutes into the cook, and with my internal temperature of the meat at about 178F degrees, I wrapped the meat in heavy duty foil with some liquid goodies as I will braise it for the last period.
The meat reached an internal of about 208-211F internal in about another hour and 10 minutes and I took it off the cooker as it was done.
The total time for this cook was a little under 3-1/2 hours.

These higher temp shorter brisket and pork butt cooks do give up a little on the bark but this one still had enough bark to add the flavor I wanted. Had a nice smoke ring for a short cook.

That is a nice plate of meat.

Meat came out nice and juicy and very tender. I took it to about 206F to 211F internal as this is needed to get a hot and fast brisket done.
I kept the cooker temperature at about 265-285F measured at the top of the dome lid for the duration of this short cook.
Here are some later pictures of my brisket sandwich lunch.

I like to pile on at least two layers of meat, add some horseradish sauce, lettuce, tomato, onion on a good egg bun for my sandwich. Then I want it served with some chips and a good dessert.

Let's eat!
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