I did this stuffed pork loin on my Cobb grill using the rotisserie and it came out quite well.

My pork loin was butterflied and trimmed up a little and then I added a couple of layers of the following: Prosciutto, sandwich cut pepperoni, provolone cheese, and baby spinach. I then cut up some fresh sage, fresh thyme, and some fresh rosemary and just took a small hand full and added it to my treat.

Next step was to fold it over and tie it with some string to hold it together. It was about two inches too long for my rotisserie setup so I cut it into two pieces and again used some string to hold it together.

I put it all together on the kitchen countertop to see if it would work and then sprinkled on some garlic salt and some fresh cracked black pepper. Next step was to sear my pork loin treat.

I started the fire and after it was hot, placed my Grill Grates on the cooker smooth side up and gave it about 10 minutes to warm up and I just seared the two flat sides of the meat for about 5 minutes each while it was on my spit rod.

Added a big pack of Hickory smoke chips to the fire and put the rotisserie setup together and turned it loose running the cook as hot as I could with my 13 hardwood briquets.

The cook took about two hours and 15 minutes to complete. I started with 13 all hardwood briquets and then added 5 more about 70 minutes into the cook.

This is the stuffed whole half loin just off of my Cobb rotisserie and cooling down for slicing.

I served the stuffed pork loin with a wilted spinach salad, sliced tomatoes, and some garlic bread.

Made a fine lunch.
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