Rolled the cooker around to my cooking patio and fired it up with some Wicked Good charcoal briquets and brought it up to temperature.

I prepped the top round roasts by trimming off a little of the thicker fat on the edges and then sprinkling on a medium amount of SPG. The country ribs didn’t need any trimming so I sprinkled on a medium amount of Smokin’ Guns hot rub and both meats were ready for the fire.

Checked the temperature of the kettle and found it at about 340 degrees so I added a big chunk of hickory smoke wood and loaded up my meat.

At just under an hour, my round roasts were up to about 120 degrees internal (rare) so I pulled the meat off the cooker and wrapped it in foil to rest for a while. The picture shows the roasts just off of the cooker.

Cooked the country ribs to about 165 internal and wrapped each of them in foil with about 2oz of Stubb’s Pork Marinade and placed them back on the cooker. Cooked them in the foil to about 195 degrees internal in the foil and then took them out of the foil and placed them back on the cooker for a nice glaze job with a blend of Blue’s Hog Sauces for about 20 minutes. They sure looked good coming off of the cooker.

Cooled the top round roasts and put them thru the slicer. We love this meat and use it for many different treats including Philly Cheese Steaks, Chicago Italian Beefs, Beef Manhattans, Beef Salad, Beef Hoagies, and just plain barbecued beef slider sandwiches.
Had one of the one pound country ribs for supper and it was great. Beef Manhattans for tomorrows lunch.
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